A PHP based Reverse Proxy

You can visit wikipedia to find out what a reverse proxy is.

Here's quote:

In computer networks, a reverse proxy is a type of proxy server that retrieves resources on behalf of a client from one or more servers. These resources are then returned to the client as though they originated from the server itself (or servers themselves).[1] While a forward proxy acts as an intermediary for its (usually nearby) associated clients and returns to them resources accessible on the Internet, a reverse proxy acts as an intermediary for its (usually nearby) associated servers and only returns resources provided by those associated servers.

I have a Cubieboad in my dorm. It uses ADLS to access Internet. However, that ADSL provider is not satisfactory. Somewhere in the world cannot access to my Cubieboard. I have to use reverse proxy. I tried a few cloud engine platfrom. Baidu App Engine is a good choose. It supports Java, Python, Nodejs and PHP. Then I rewrite a PHP script to work as a reverse proxoy.

Source is open in my Github.

By the way, now you can visit my blog on Cubiebaord by http://facatcool.duapp.com/blog .